Sunday 28 February 2010

This is it!! The bags are almost packed, a few minor chores to do tomorrow in town (like desperately waiting for a travel watch/alarm clock to arrive from Amazon), the last visit to the travel clinic to get some malaria tablets... and then the last - probably sleepless - night before my first flight on Tuesday morning...

For those of you who haven't see this before, here's the rough itinerary:

Rio (March 2-5)
Peru, Bolivia, Chile (March 6-April 9)
Fiji (April 10 -19)
Thailand, Cambodia, Lao, Vietnam (April 20 – May 25)
South and East Africa – SA, Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya (May 26 – June 29)

Talk soon - and I will miss you all!!

btw - I decided that FB group is rather limiting to write longer travel updates, so I've created this blog. Hope that'll work out fine for everyone ;)
