Monday 19 July 2010

Back with stories

Over four months have passed since my last entry here.... And I'm very sorry for being so silent - especially after having tricked you all in as followers and having promised pages of exciting stories and adventures...

Wanting to cramp in so many things in the very short four months of my trip, I didnt realise how much time the actual travelling and immediate & next day planning would take. Every day I had to find out where to sleep, which bus to take and where to, which village to visit and which cliff to jump off of, where to eat yet avoid food poisoning, meet fellow travellers and of course - enjoy the trip and explore new places!

Not so rarely my day would start at 6 am waking up for a tour, getting back into town at 4 pm, rushing off to do the laundry, then to an internet cafe to download photos from an overflowing memory card onto a dvd, surfing the net for the next destination and letting friends and family know Im still alive, remembering that I havent eaten since early morning and grabbing a bite, going out for well deserved drinks, staying out later than planned, and before you know it - next morning is there after too few hours of sleep and possibly with another 6 am wake up! And all of this in a completely foreign environment, where even crossing the street or finding a working ATM is a new challenge..

Once I got up at 3 am for a beautiful sunrise and geyser tour in Bolivia, crossed the border into Chile, went to see the Atacama desert salt lakes, and then joined a star watching activity the same night, finishing it all off in the early hours at a local bar ....

It sometimes felt like a long and very rewarding, exciting and adventure-ful working day. But I chose it to be that way and to see and do as much as I could. And that is why I did not find time to write for the blog.

But now I am back and full of energy and stories to tell. Three separate stories with photos are on their way: TOP 10 challenging moments, TOP 10 most adventurous, and TOP 10 most emotional...

While I'm preparing these, here's a snapshot* of the most beautiful arts and crafts from around the world that I was lucky enough to pick up during the trip. God bless the Bolivian postal system, my all-enduring boyfriend and British Airways extra luggage allowance that all these treasures arrived safely and in one piece in London.

* Well, maybe not a snapshot. There are 50 of them.

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