Monday 8 March 2010


My first port of call, Rio de Janeiro ....
As many of you know, I didnt initially plan to come here but the journey was cheaper this way rather than flying to Lima directly. So I thought Id stop in Rio just for a couple of days.
It ended up being a very good start to the Big trip - met local people, made friends with other travellers, explored and started liking the backpackers routine (cheap acommodation, communal areas for breakfast and dinner, and a very laid back attitude).

However, the city istelf was very hard to get friends with in those very short 2 days.. The pure size of it, amount of people, noise and dirt, poverty and safety issues... For someone (me) who has mostly travelled in French Riviera and Norwegian fjords, this is quite a lot to take in in the first two days. But this is exactly why Im doing this trip!

Everyone knows that Rio is famous for its beaches, samba and beautiful vistas from either Pao de Acucar or Cristo Redentor. The two days that Im here, however, are cloudy and overcastt, so there is even no point in going up there. So funnily enough, my Rio highlights are quite untypical.

Firstly, for the very first time I saw the ants-that-cut-out-leaves-and-
carry-them-on-their-baks in real life! I know, this sounds a rather odd highlight for a city like Rio, but those of you who know me (tree hugger/ nature lover) will understand - it ws fascinating to see this amazing routine which I had previously only admired at Zoos and National Geographic videos..

Secondly, when all the official 3 hour tours to the favelas (Rio slums) were sold out, the very friendly hostel owner German Andreas hooked me up with his friend who gave me a very private tour of a smaller favela close to city center, but an equally harsh and realistic one. Narrow dirty streets, tiny dark apartments, children out on the streets all day long and if you´re lucky - no drug dealers with guns in their hands. Alejandro - the guide - took me to his friends hotel and Jazzbar at the top of the favela which appeared to be one of the coolest places in the city! Not only did it have a grande open terrace overlooking all of Rio, but it has also hosted video shootings for Snoop Dog and the like. (For those interested, watch Snoop Dog and Farell´s ´Beautiful´ and pay attention to the entry scenes - the name of the Jazzbar is The Maze and you wont miss it).

Oh, yes - and the third highlight - the best Caiparinha on the Copacabana beach at 11 am. How cool is that, Rio?

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